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P. 45

About Reading Juice Plus


                The passages promote young minds’ curiosity by offering a wide variety of topics that are fun to read and easy to teach. Since this non-fiction
                includes fascinating facts and details about people, places and events, learners will expand their knowledge base as well as their language skills.

                Appealing text is vital in order to inspire and encourage students to strive for greater English fluency.
                Each passage is written in natural English at the appropriate proficiency level, and a word count is included. The teacher can use this
                information to determine how quickly students read the material. This nurtures both fluency and ease with written English.


           Essential vocabulary is defined
           as a pre-reading activity.
           These words are boldfaced in
           every passage. Students can                                                                    Skimming
           read the definitions and then                                                                  Scanning
           see how each term is used
           within the text. Learning words                                                   Each passage includes skimming and
           in context is the most powerful                                                   scanning questions to help learners
           way to master new vocabulary.                                                     improve their ability to quickly find
                                                                                             specific information in the text. This
                                                                                             activity gives students practice in a skill
                                                                                             all readers use daily: identifying the key
                                                                                             words in a question and then locating
                                                                                             the associated part in the passage.

      Following each passage,                                                                            Expansion
      multiple-choice comprehension
      questions evaluate the learner’s                                                  Each passage’s vocabulary expansion
      understanding of the material.                                                    exercise strengthens learner’s knowledge
      The main idea is always tested.                                                   of the key words since they must truly
      The remaining questions require                                                   understand each word’s meaning to finish
      students to identify details, find                                                the word analogies or complete the cloze
      information, draw conclusions, make                  Summary                      sentences and paragraphs. By doing these
      inferences, and differentiate between         Each unit concludes with a summary    exercises, learners will be able to “own” the
      facts and opinions. Additional                activity designed to activate the students’   words. Such ownership makes it more likely
      comprehension exercises require the           recall of the facts contained in the   that students will use them in speaking and
      highest-level thinking skills such as deciding   passage. To complete the summary,   writing. Independent use of the vocabulary is
      where to insert sentences in the passage      students must interpret and then    the strongest indicator that a word has been
      or choosing which statement would best        synthesize the main ideas and the   learned which is stored in students'
      introduce or conclude the text.               supporting details.                 long-term memories.            45
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