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P. 59

About Speaking Cue

          Four-Cut Cartoon at the                                                              Say It! Say It! has two key
          beginning of every unit is                                                           expressions that provide
          designed to lead the students                                                        excellent grammar practice while
          to the key themes and language                                                       speaking.
          structures that appear through
          the following parts of the unit.

          Picture Dictionary provides the
          definitions and the pictures for
          students’ better understanding.

          Talk! Talk! is a role-playing activity   Interview gives students a chance   Speech Note trains students to   Speech Master assists
          that provides simple dialogs to   to recycle and be more creative with   activate latent English knowledge   students to create a script
          practice the key expressions in   previously learned expressions    from previous study and to   relevant to themselves based
          each unit.                    through the form of an interview.   organize their ideas.  on Speech Note.

             The aim of this section is to                                                  This section reinforces
             review the key vocabulary in                                                   the key expressions by
             the Student's Book.                                                            a variety of listening
                                                                                            activities using pictures.

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